To all my lovelies, 21 and older, we are taking you back to your high school years, it is prom time! An adult prom that is, and it is called Prom- a - Llama. Friday June 10, 2016 at 8pm is your time to get all dolled up in your favorite prom dress. Wear what you wish you would have worn to prom or even wear what you actually wore to prom! Prom-a-Llama will be hosted by Movers & Shakers, at Chop Shop, with special guest bands Santah, The kickback, Archie Powell + the Exports, and so much more. The fun goes on, at the end of the night one man and one woman will be crowned prom king and prom queen. Bye your tickets at 1stwardevents.com because this is an event that you do not want to miss. Dress to impress, We will see you there.