This week on Ask Anastasia, we know you're all busy trying to figure out what to wear to all the events you'll be attending this summer. It can be so hard to find something different to wear for all the occasions you have coming up. We asked Anastasia what her go-to summer outfit is, and here's what she told us!
Q: With summer here, and event season in full swing, what is your go to summer outfit?
A: I never wear anything in the same way twice but I love a good tailored dress. I don't have a specific dress that I always grab for but something that is tailored is definitely my go to. For me personally, a tailored dress flatters me best, so I know that I will always look good, put together, and fashionable. Also I love how easy it is to just throw on a stylish fitted dress and be ready to go.
Q: If your friends ask you to go to a summer event last minute, would you still grab a tailored dress?
A: Well it would depend on the event. I do have an event go-to outfit. It was my grandmothers, so it's very vintage from the early 60’s. It is Chiffon geometric atomic faux-leopard print dress with a big poofy bottom.
Remember we have so many options for anything you might be doing this event season right here in the Anastasia boutique! Stop in today to try on the latest pieces to hit the floor, and let us help style you to look your absolute best! Remember - we offer free alterations and completely custom garments to help you stand out with a unique look at every one of your exciting summer events!