Sewing 102 Garment Sewing
Sewing 102 is the perfect next step after Sewing 101. Learn to sew full garments with multiple pieces using techniques you learned in Sewing 101 and new techniques to advance your skills. In this 6 week class, you’ll cut and...
$ 425.00
Spring Clothing Sewing Class
Spring's here! Time for some new clothes, and nothing looks better on you than clothes you made yourself. Sign up for this class and Anastasia will guide you making new cool spring clothes.Class is on Wednesday evenings 6pm-9pm April 23rd...
$ 425.00
Tailoring, Alterations, Repairs & Upcycling course
  You'll learn all you need to know to take clothes apart and put them back together, so that they fit like you want and have the style you love. This sewing class is sew fun! Give the clothes in your closet...
$ 355.00
Summer Sewing Class
Summer is here! Time for some new clothes, and nothing looks better on you than clothes you sewed yourself. Sign up for this sewing class and Anastasia will guide you through making cool new summer clothes.This course is on Sunday...
$ 425.00
Fall Clothing Sewing Class
Fall's here! Time for some new clothes, and nothing looks better on you than clothes you made yourself. Sign up for this class and Anastasia will guide you making new cool fall clothes.Class is on Wednesday 6pm-9pm Sept 24th -...
$ 425.00
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